Browse Items (37212 total)

Where Aliens Will Be Barred

A map of Washington state showed where Japanese aliens and Japanese Americans were to be prohibited from living as zones were created by the military to exclude these people from strategic areas.

De Witt Reveals Plan to Move All Japanese

Article in the Seattle P-I revealed where Japanese and Japanese Americans would have to vacate in the state of Washington as zones were set up to remove them from strategic areas as a result of World War II.

Wallgren Asks Quick Evacuation of Aliens

Senator Mon C. Wallgren, Washington state's junior senator, urged quick removal of enemy aliens on the W


Dave Beck, president of the Teamsters' Union, urged the removal of all Japanese from the Pacific Coast as their contribution to this country.

Freeman Calls Japan Society 'Fifth Column'

A number of people trestified before the Tolan Committee giving their views for and against the evacuation of Japanese from the West Coast. Miller Freeman, a local publisher, clained the Japan Society of Seattle was a fifth column organization and…

Prosecutors Plan Alien Discussion

Members of the state prosecutors' association were to meet in Olympia with army, navy and FBI representatives to discuss the state's alien problem.

Ito Attorney Files Demurrer

Kenji Ito's attorney entered a demurrer to Ito's indictment of acting as an agent for Japan in his trial in Judge John C. Bowen's court.

Japanese Red Caps

A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer protested the employment of Japanese red caps at Seattle's train stations, saying that they should not know the schedule of the incoming and outgoing trains because he believed them to be disloyal.

Return Them

A letter writer with just the initials R.T.S. suggested that the Japanese be put on a ship and sent to Japan because, he or she said, many want to go there and Americans don't want them here.

Japanese Clerks Still on Duty

There were still some Japanese American school clerks working for the Seattle School District, but they were on duty because they had to train and instruct their new replacements.