Browse Items (37212 total)

Tolan Requests Alien Action

John H. Tolan, head of an investigating committee on enemy aliens on the West Coast indicating that evacuation was imminent, urged President Roosevelt to name an alien property custodian and a coordinator for alien enemy problems.

Tolan Sees Early Ouster of Aliens

A photo in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer showed three members of the Tolan Committee--Carl T. Curtis, John H. Tolan and Laurence F. Arnold--who were in Seattle to consider the internment of Japanese aliens and possibly all persons of Japanese…

Farm Security to Employ 5,000 Japs in Idaho, Oregon

The Farm Security Administration was making plans to recruit Japanese American farm laborers to do seasonal work in Eastern Oregon and in Southern/Southwestern Idaho because of shortage of workers due to the war.

Choir From Hunt Wins Audience

The Minidoka Mass Choir sang for students at Jerome High School and at a formal concert for the residents of Jerome and were preparing to sing at a Methodist church in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Don't Call 'Em Japs; They're for U.S.

Photocopy of newspaper photos showing Hawaiian Japanese training as members of the 100th infantry battalion.

School Board Lets Japanese Girls Resign

The Seattle School Board accepted the resignations of Japanese American office clerks after there were protests over their employment.

The Tolan Committee

An editorial in a Seattle daily newspaper commented on the Tolan Committee that was to hold hearings in Seattle and expressed confidence that it would be fruitful and would lead to solutions to problems that would ensue from evacuation of the…

U.S. Reveals Details of Jap Indictments

Indictment were returned by a federal grand jury accusing Thomas Masuda and Kenji ito of serving as agents of Japan and making speeches in favor of Japan.

Hearings On Aliens Open Here Today

Preparations were being made to hold Tolan Committee hearings in Seattle to determine what should be done to Japanese aliens on the West Coast, and a list of witnesses was being made up that included government officials, social service…

U.W. Petitions Ask Reinstatement of Jap Girls

A petition was circulated on the University of Washington camopus asking for the reinstatement of the Japanese American women officer clerks who were forced to resign their positions after protests arose from mothers of students at a West Seattle…