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600 Axis Aliens Held by Gov't. in Raids Reaching 4 Coast States

Approximately 600 enemy aliens had been rounded up in sweeps by officials in an effort to prevent any fifth column activity. Attorney General Earl Warren of California reported that Japanese aliens were living in proximity to aircraft factories and…

Japanese Buying Canadian Bonds

Japanese Canadians were urged to do their part in buying Canadian Victory Bonds despite the uncertainly of removal and the fact that they were never in the high income bracket.

B.C. Veterans Would Remove All Japs Inland

The British Columbia command of the Army and Navy Veterans of Canada endorsed a resolution calling for the removal of all Japanese from the coastal areas of British Columbia. They had heard rumors of Japanese in fishing towns celebrating Japanese…

JACL Office Scene of Red Cross Work

The Red Cross meeting scheduled at the Seattle Buddhist Temple was moved to the JACL headquarters.

L.A. Japanese Offer Plasma Donations

Three Japanese inmates held on minor charges in the Los Angeles County jail were among the first to volunteer to give blood after the Red Cross established a branch blood bank there. Others among the 800 Japanese held there also agreed to participate…

Ouster of Aliens to Cause Heart-Breaking Problems

Aliens who come from Germany and other Axis nations were thrown into a panic after it had been learned that they were likely to be removed from the Pacific Coast states, even refugees from Germany who had fled Nazism. Also in Canada, Japanese aliens…

B.C. Group Threatens to Boycott Japs

At a meeting in Victoria, British Columbia, delegates urged a boycott of Japanese businesses and anyone who does business with them unless the Japanese were removed from coastal and vital areas of British Columbia.

Civil Liberties Union Protests Evacuation Order

Roger Baldwin, head of the American Civil Liberties Union, protested the the exective order allowing for the removal of persons from military areas and requested the Los Angeles and San Francisco officers to assist Japanese Americans who would be…

G Men Arrest 6, Seize Contraband in Albany

Six men with Axis ties were arrested along with Nazi flags and banners by federal agents in New York state.

Idaho Farm Bureau Doesn't Want Japs

The head of the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation, J.H. Dayley, said the state didn't want Japanese evacuees from the West Coast and added that they had no use for them after there was a proposal to move the evacuees to Idaho to work on the sugar beet…