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U.S. Speeds Program for Jap Removal

A column in he Seattle Post-Intelligencer told of the problems with the vacating of Japanese farms and the difficulties in getting others to take them over. Food production is an essential part of the war effort, and methods were being sought to keep…

U.S. Should Let Asiatics Enter--Yarnell

Rear Adm. H.E. Yarnell, U.S.N. (ret.) , in a speech delivered to the American Poitical Science Association and the American Soceity for Public Administration, spoke in favor of allowing Asians to immigrate to the U.S. after WWII with the same…

U.S. Reveals Details of Jap Indictments

Indictment were returned by a federal grand jury accusing Thomas Masuda and Kenji ito of serving as agents of Japan and making speeches in favor of Japan.

U.S. Relaxes Curbs on Jap Transactions

The Treasury Department announced that restrictions imposed on Japanese nationals were being relaxed and that the aliens could engage in financial tansactions and could reopen businesses if they were in this country before June 17, 1940.

U.S. pays 79,895 redress claimants, adds two categories

Announces ORA closure process, the addition of two new categories based on the Ishida case and the revision of its unlocated internees list.

U.S. Orders 1,302 Aliens Interned

1,302 enemy aliens have been interned with the Japanese being the largest group among them.

U.S. Modifies Regulation of Japanese Here

Article on how the Federal Reserve Bank made changes in its previous policy of not allowing Japanese aliens to be paid for their produce, but the law was changed.

U.S. Modifies Curb on Alien Ferry Travel

Japanese, German and Italian aliens were allowed to buy tickets for ferry travel on Puget Sound after the government gave them permission as long as they had a letter from the U.S. attorney along with a picture. Casual travel permits will also be…

U.S. Japanese Loyal, Asserts Seattle Editor

Editor, James Y. Sakamoto, speaks to the Junior Chamber of Commerce regarding the loyalty of Japanese-Americans if the U.S. ever went to war with Japan.