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Buddhist Temple Closed by U.S.

The Seattle Buddhist Temple was closed on the orders of the foreign funds control division of the Treasury Department because any corporation run by Japanese nationals must now be licensed. The Temple has applied for a license. A sign on the door of…

Answer Bureau for Aliens Opened

The U.S. Justice Department was prepared to answer questions raised by enemy aliens in light of the government's decision to remove all Japanese from the West Coast.

FBI Questions Japs in Tacoma

FBI agents arrested six persons of Japanese descent in Tacoma, but all were released except for one who is an alien. He was kept in custody because of his past associations. Meanwhile, state American Legion posts endorsed the policy of removing all…

American-Born Nipponese to be Included in Action

The Justice Department revealed that the U.S. Army had been given the authority to remove any or all persons of Japanese descent from military areas or at least place restrictions on them, including U.S. citizens. Although the order actually covered…

Violence Marks Alien Crisis on West Coast

In the midst of Japanese aliens being killed and city officials demanding the internment of all Japanese on the West Coast, members of Congress were preparing to hold hearings on how to protect the coastal areas and to lessen the hardship on Japanese…

Club To Discuss Jap Evacuation

A Town Hall discussion was to be held at the Angle Lake Shore Club to discuss "Should the Japanese be Evacuated and Should They be Paid?"

1,500 Japanese Register Here

1,500 Japanese in Seattle were registered at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Seattle Buddhist Temple for eventual evacuation to the Puyallup Assembly Center

Pair Tell of Compiling War, Power Reports for Japs

In the trial of Thomas Masuda, people testified as to what they knew about his activities as an alleged agent of Japan. He was being tried as an agent of Japan without registering with the government.

Churches Plan Service for Jap Evacuees

Church services provided by Seattle Protestant Churches were to be held at the Puyallup Assembly Center and were to be a regularly held event.

Two Japs File Court Plea

Charles Takahashi and Edward Y. Osawa filed a petition to get their business papers back, which had been seized by government agents. The two were charged with lying about their plans to ship prohibited items to Japan by saying that the items were…