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10,000 in California To Get Ouster Orders

Eviction orders were being prepared for Japanese, German and Italian aliens living in California by federal officials. Areas such as airports and waterfronts were to be prohibited to aliens living in close proximity to those places, and they were to…

4 More Jap Aliens Seized at Bonneville

Four Japanese aliens were arrested by the FBI in the Bonneville Dam area of Oregon for possessing contraband, such as dynamite, fuses and caps.

25 More Jap Homes Raided on Vashion Isle

FBI agents made a raid on Vashon Island aliens' homes to search for contraband, and two Japanese and one German were taken into custody and held at the immigration station. Earlier, a group of Japanese aliens was sent to Montana and North Dakota for…

Army Trainees Learn Jujitsu

Nisei (Japanese American) instructors teach American soldiers basic Japanese words and jujitsu at Camp Roberts, California, plus an advertisement for Westinghouse.

Japanese Farms Near Fort Raided

FBI agents swept down the Palos Verdes coastal area to search the farms of Japanese aliens for contraband. Particular attention was paid to the farms overlooking the strategic Santa Catalina Channel.

Vashon Homes of Japanese Aliens Raided

FBI agents descended on Vashon Island and search homes of Japanese aliens after there were reports that the aliens had not turned in firearma and other contraband they were not to possess.

Japanese, Arms Taken on Vashon

FBI agents, assisted by King County deputies, arrested two Japanese aliens and one German alien on Vashon Island and held them at the immigration station. All aliens on the island had their homes searched.

40 Japanese Taken From Kin, Interned

Forty Japanese aliens were sent on their way to internment in Fort Missoula, Montana while their wives and children came to see them off at the immigration station in Seattle.

1,500 Aliens Not Registered Yet

Approximately 1,500 enemy aliens had not registered for certificates of identification, so the deadline was extended two days to accommodate them. The post office was to be open to register them

B.C. Japanese May Follow Menfolk East

Japanese families in British Columbia will be allowed to follow their menfolk when they are evacuated from the West Coast. Some of the men have signed up to go to lumber camps in Ontario in Eastern Canada/