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Boy's Day armour set A: Cremonial chest of painted black lacquer wood 6" H 8" W for holding miniature armour used in Boy's day displays. B: Chest lid C: Helmet Ornament - a gold colored dragon. D: Helmet 4.5 " x 3" The crown is made of pressed…

Army Finishes Puyallup Camp for 8,000 Japs

Finishing touches were added to the Puyallup Assembly Center, and it was now ready to received Japanese evacuees. The Army Corps of Engineers finished the work in just 17 days and at half of the budgeted amount.

Army Keeps Vigil on Japs at Brainbridge

The Army kep a close watch over Bainbridge Island's Japanese as the day for evacuation was nearing. Meanwhile, James Sakamoto awaited word on his proposalto the federal government to have the area's Japanese move to the Columbia Basin near Moses…

Army Orders Alien Curfew

A curfew was established by the Army for all enemy aliens and persons of Japanese ancestry in Military Area No. 1 that reqired these people to be at their residences between 8 pm and 6am, and travel was limited to within 5 miles of their residences.…

Army Picks Land To Resettle Japs

The army chose a spot in the Owens Valley owned by the city of Los Angeles and said it would use the place as a reception area for people of Japanese descent who were to be evacuated.

Army Quells Rioting At Jap Evacuee Camp

A riot at the Santa Anita Assembly Center was put down after there was an assault on an evacuee suspected of being an informer.