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Army Selects Centers for Alien Evacuees

Lr. General John L. DeWitt announced plans for two reception centers to accept Japanese evacuees from the West Coast. One will be in the Owens Valley in California, and the other will be along the Colorado River near the Blythe-Parker Dam area.

Army Takes Over Jap Assembly Center

Military police took over control of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition building which had been converted to an assembly center for Japanese evacuees awaiting further movement out of military areas.

Army to Exempt Certain Aliens

The army announced that certain classes of aliens of German and Italian descent were exempted from any evacuation, and a handful of Japanese aliens were also included if they were in places such as hospitals or institutions; but otherwise, all…

Army to Get Petitions on Japs

Leaders of the Gatewood district of Seattle Public Schools, led by Mrs. Esther M. Sekor, decided to petition the Second Interceptor Command to help get rid of the Japanese American women working as clerks in the Seattle School District.

Army to Oust Japs in L.A. Harbor Area

The second order for evacuation involved the Los Angeles harbor area where there are about 3,000 Japanese residents. They will be moved to the Santa Anita racetrack during a three day period. In another announcement, the Wartime Civil Control…

Army to Safeguard Japanese Property

Announcements were to be forthcoming regarding the property and inventory left behind by Japanese evacuees. The government was to safeguard everything, and the evacuees were expected to entrust it all to the government. Those who could voluntarily…

Army To Use Longacres As Camp For Japs

The army announced that the Longacres rack track will be an assembly center for evacuated Japanese in Western Washington along with the Puyallup Fair site, which is currently under construction.

Army Trainees Learn Jujitsu

Nisei (Japanese American) instructors teach American soldiers basic Japanese words and jujitsu at Camp Roberts, California, plus an advertisement for Westinghouse.

Army Watching Japs on Brinbridge Island

A photograph of a map showing the prohibited and restricted areas of the West Coast that affected persons of Japanese ancestry was distributed by the Associated Press. Manzanar camp shown on the map was where the Bainbridge Island Japanese were to…