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A speech by a James R. Young at the Sunset Club claimed that there was a vast network of Japanese espionage in this country. He cited his change of arrival day in Seattle and was already called upon by an editor of the local Japanese newspaper.

Japanese Backs U.S., So Does Soldier Kin

Owner of a Japanese restaurant in New York City lamented the lack of customers and the reluctance of friends to patronize his establishment after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the closure of his restaurant for a while by the police.

Justice for Nisei

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reprinted an editorial from the Vashon News-Record which praised the P-I for its fair and even-handed treatment of the Japanese in the area.


A flower shop operated by a Japanese person displays a photograph of his son who is in the United States Army.

Riots Feared In B.C. if Japs Stay on Coast

Alderman H.D. Wilson warned that there would be riots unless the Japanese on the West Coast of Canada are not removed. He was en route to Ottawa to recommend that Japanees males 18 and over be removed from the coastal areas and that he would…

Japs Must Give In Swords, Act Sharp About It

Ceremonial Japanese swords as well as shortwave radios, cameras and firearms were being turned in by Japanese aliens after a ruling was made that the swords had be to surrendered. A photo showed Jack Ogami turning in his family's ceremonial swords.

'Sane' Alien Labor Policy Urged

President Franklin Roosevelt urged private employers not to discharge enemy alien and foreign-born employees when they were needed in the war effort. He proposed a "sane" policy that employers should follow in treating aliens and the foreign-bon…

Aliens May Get Travel Permits

Enemy aliens were to be issued travel permits if they have to leave their municipal area. Also they were to be issued permits for possessing cameras if they had to have them for their livelihood.

182 Enemy Aliens Arrested in State

One hundred and eighty-two enemy aliens have been arrested in the state since the entry of the United States in World War II.

Question Aliens To The Situation

A caller to the police department asked a foolish question that may have been the ultimate in unbelievability. He asked if an enemy alien had to turn in any shortwave radio, gun and camera if he's an American citizen.