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Banned Radios and Cameras Swamp Police

Cameras and short wave radios were turned in by Japanese aliens and some German and Italian aliens under an order barring them from having such items during wartime and the deadline of December 30, 1941 was approaching.

Cameras, Too, Surrendered Here

Photo shows Japanese turning in their cameras and short wave radios in accordance with government orders.

Arrest Bewilders Boing Worker' Japanese Turned Him In, Youth Declares

A Boeing worker was arrested for appearing suspicious around the Boeing plant when it was learned he had a gun in his briefcase. He claimed the Japanese proprietor of a cafe reported him when he went to eat there and opened his briefcase, which…

Japanese Must Give Up Firearms, Says McNary

Japanese aliens of Hood River County in Oregon were told that they would have to turn in any firearms in a new order issued by the Justice Department, according to words received by Senator McNary, Republican of Oregon.

U.S. Should Let Asiatics Enter--Yarnell

Rear Adm. H.E. Yarnell, U.S.N. (ret.) , in a speech delivered to the American Poitical Science Association and the American Soceity for Public Administration, spoke in favor of allowing Asians to immigrate to the U.S. after WWII with the same…

Hundreds of Aliens in Line to Give Up Radios, Cameras

Cameras and radios belonging to enemy aliens of Japanese, Italian and German descent were being turned in by the three groups to the Seattle police station or the owners would face severe penalties under federal law. A photo shows Japanese turning in…

Many Japanese Leave City for Montana Prison

About 80 of the 119 Japanese aliens who had been arrested left for Fort Missoula, Montana, and it is believed that practically all of them have now been moved from the immigration station in Seattle.

Friend or Foe? He Didn't Know

A resident of a town near Portland became frightened and fled his home when he saw a soldier who had been guarding a bridge knocking on his door and yelling to turn out his lights during a blackout. The soldier was a Japanese American, and that made…

Radio, Camera Ban Placed on Enemy Aliens

Enemy aliens were informed to turn in all cameras and radios with short wave bands, including home receiving sets with short wave bands, to the nearest police or sheriff's office or face arrest and forfeiture of these items. The U.S. Department of…

Report to the F.B.I.

Edwin A. Henderson, a letter writer from Olympia, urged Japanese Americans to report any subversive activity to the F.B.I. as any good citizen should do.