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They Want Jap Business

A mortuary in San Francisco had a sign outside its establishment saying "We'd rather do business with 100 Japanese than one American."

Japanese Victimized by Bogus Collectors

Two men and a woman were making the rounds of asking for licensing fees from Japanese hotel and rooming house operators in a bogus scheme to make money.

Aliens Taken To Internment

Alien Japanese and Germans who were held at the immigration station in Seattle were transferred out, some to Missoula, Montana and others to an undisclosed camp. There were about 50 to 60 persons involved.

Seattle Nearly "Sold Out" on Defense Bonds

Defense bonds and stamps sales were brisk in Seattle with the items almost all sold out in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor.

Chinese Youth Careful

A Chinese youth in Denver wore a jacket that identified him as Chinese in order not to be mistaken for Japanese in case people took out their anger at Japanese.

Young Japanese Organizing for Civilian Defense

Japanese Americans in Seattle formed a civilian defense organization under the leadership of James Y. Sakamoto

Made-in-Japan Goods Not Sold

Seattle stores were not selling goods made in Japan because they either had very few of them in the first place, or what they had, they removed.

"The Mikado" (Revised) Gets Warm Welcome

The operetta "The Mikado" was performed in Washington, DC after plans were first made to cancel it due to the war with Japan. Some of the lines were changed to reflect current conditions.

Japanese Students' Club Discusses War Problems

Robert O'Brien, assistant dean of the college of arts and sciences, spoke with members of the Japanese Students' Club in discussing problems they are facing as a result of the war with Japan.

Two-Thirds of State Japs in King County

Two-thirds of all Japanese in Washington state were in King County, and the three Pacific Coast states of Washington, Oregon and California held 88.5 percent of all the Japanese in the U.S.