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Jap-Filipino War Ups Produce Prices

Produce prices rose due to many Filipinos refusing to work for Japanese farmers because of Japan's invasion of the Philippines and thus crops haven't been harvested.

Japs Rush For Birth Papers

Names of suspicious persons who obtained birth certificates were sent to the FBI after it was learned that someone obtained the birth certificate of a Japanese man without his permission or knowledge.

U.S. Relaxes Curbs on Jap Transactions

The Treasury Department announced that restrictions imposed on Japanese nationals were being relaxed and that the aliens could engage in financial tansactions and could reopen businesses if they were in this country before June 17, 1940.

"Japan" Taken Out of Liner's Name

A new steamship Japan Mail was changed to China Mail in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

American-born Japanese

Persons of Japanese were allowed to board the Black Ball Line as long as they could produce an attested copy of their birth certificates.

Nisei Stand

An editorial in the Great Northern Daily News, a bilingual publication in the Seattle Japanese community, declares the position Japanese Americans find themselves in and what they should do in the current situation.

Made-In-Japan Goods Junked

Stores in the Seattle area removed Made In Japan goods due to the United States entering World War II and the unpopularity of goods made by the Axis countries.

Most Curbs On Japs Removed

Curbs that restricted Japanese aliens from financial and business transactions were lifted for those who came to this country before June 1940 by the Tresury Department in an announcement by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Let Naught Befall Americans' Trees of Goodwill

Editorial in one of the Seattle newspapers concerning the monument and cherry trees that had been donated to Seattle at Seward Park and the importance of not vandalizing them as had happened in Washington, D.C. in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor…

Stukas, German Pilots Reported in Hawaii Raid

A bacteriologist in Hawaii reported that German Stuka planes and German and Japanese American pilots born and raised in Hawaii were involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor.