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Aged Japanese Prayed in Vain; Son Now Held

Article about a Japanese national who prayed daily on the eastside of the 12th Avenue Bridge, hoping for better relations between the United States and Japan

Japanese-Born Can't Get Pay

Article about how Japanese aliens who work as domestic employees for clubs and private homes are not being paid because of a freeze by the United States Treasury Department on not allowing transfer of money or assets to aliens of Japanese descent.…

J.A.P. Now J.P.

Article about a man whose initials are J.A.P. dropping the "A" to just J.P. on his watch, tie clasp and belt buckle.

Ko-Ko Won't Sing, "Mikado" Is Canceled

Article about the Cleveland Comic Opera's canceling "The Mikado," which takes place in Japan, due to present circumstances.

Eatonville Acts To Keep Peace With Japanese

Article about how Eatonville tried to defuse an incident when a piece of iron was found on the railroad track, and the Japanese workers at the lumber were suspected.

Safety Position Shown

Photograph of students at Bailey Gatzert school watching a student demonstrating what to do in case of the school being bombed.

One Man "Riot" Jailed

Article about an American living in Chile who damaged a Japanese-run store and assaulted two of the clerks working in the store.

Jap Landlords Face Problem

Article about how Japanese aliens are in a quandary because of a U.S. Treasuring ruling that they are not to be paid , and with many of them operating hotels and rooming houses, that leaves them high and dry.

Six Arrested Over Blackout

Article about Japanese being arrested for violating the curfew order by being outside during restrictions.

Jap Cherry Trees Felled at Capital

Article with photograph of Japanese cherry trees that were cut down in Washington, D.C. due to the war with Japan.