Browse Items (37212 total)

Japanese Here Aiding Defense

Article about how the Japanese Chamber of Commerce is coordinating defense drives in the Japanese community by preparing gift packages for servicemen and buying defense bonds.

Our Japanese

Editorial by the staff of the Sattle Post-Intelligencer telling of the problems faced by the Japanese community and asking for tolerance and understanding of their plight.

Made in Japan Good Destroyed

Article about goods Made in Japan being removed at the S.S. Kresge Stores or destroyed at a roofing company in Traverse City, Michigan because of the war with Japan.

Minitsters Urge Tolerance

Article about Methodist ministers urging public understanding and tolerance of the Japanese in this area.

Anti-Japanese Acts Feared

Article about a piece of iron being found on the railroad tracks in Eatonville, WA and whether they could have been placed by Japanese workers living there.

Japanese Crabs Figure in Suit

Article about a jury trial in Cleveland, Ohio in which it was intimated that crab canned in Japan resulted in ptomaine poisoning.

Japanese Here Scores Attack

Article about the letter Dyke Miyagawa, president of the Educational Society of the Japanese Canner Workers, wrote to Mayor Millikin of Seattle pledging his and the organization's support in the country's war effort.

Japanese Get Legal Papers

Article and photograph of Japanese Americans getting copies of their birth certificates at the Public Safety Building in Seattle in order to continue to work in the city.

40 Youths Stranded

Article on Japanese American youth from a Seattle Buddhist Church organization being stranded in Portland, Oregon and having difficulty returning because of the ban on Japanese aliens being denied access to common carriers, despite the fact that…

Ban on Jspanese in Busses is Corrected

Article on the correction of the ban on Japanese riding school buses at Medina School as a result of the Pearl Harbor bombing.