Browse Items (37212 total)

736 Japanese Arrested in U.S. and Hawaii

Article about Japanese aliens being arrested in the United States and Hawaii and being turned over to immigration officials.

F.B.I. Acts at San Pedro, Calif.

Photo of an American soldier guarding Japanese and another of the Japanese taken into custody when they arrived from Terminal Island, California to the dock at San Pedro, California.

Radio Station Gets Warning

Article about a warning received by a Seattle radio station claiming to blow up the station if it wasn't careful about what it aired.

Many Japanese Interned Here

Article about the arrest and detention of Japanese aliens in Seattle and elsewhere across the nation in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

American-born Japanese Loyal, Editor Asserts

Article about James Y. Sakamoto and his statement that Americans of Japanese ancestry are loyal to the U.S. and will help to uncover any potential saboteurs among pro-Japanese members of he community.

Japanese Here Thunderstruck by Air Attack

Article about comments made by William Hosokawa in regard to the Pearl Harbor bombing and the reaction of the Japanese community in Seattle and his opinion on what Japan is planning to do.

Japan Consul Here Not In to Callers

Article about the Japanese consulate in Seattle not answering any callers or visitors in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing

Millikin Urges Tolerance

Article about Seattle Mayor Earl Millikin's appeal to the people of Seattle to be tolerant and understanding of the Japanese in the city and that he felt they were loyal to this country.

Japanese Baptist Home Guarded

Article about the Japanese Baptist Home in Seattle receiving a threatening phone call in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing. Other Japanese businesses were vandalized, while some citizens offered their services, some of them expressing a wish…


Photo of a group of men being recalled from leave and boarding a bus after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.