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Japanese Citizens Plan Outing

JACL organizes Japan Day celebration featuring folk dances, songs, juggling as well as a contest to name a Nisei Queen.

Whatever Tokyo Does, They Are Good Americans

Article contrasts how Japanese government modified plans to detain Americans as "hostages" to how Japanese in America behave and are treated .

U.S. Japanese Loyal, Asserts Seattle Editor

Editor, James Y. Sakamoto, speaks to the Junior Chamber of Commerce regarding the loyalty of Japanese-Americans if the U.S. ever went to war with Japan.

Japanese Help Aluminum Drive

Japanese-Americans donate a large truckload of metal to contribute to a week-long aluminum drive.

Japan-America League Meets

Article about a conference of the Nortwest District Conference of the Japanese American Citizens League held in Seattle at the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the political leaders who attended or sent messages to it.

Pair Wed Amid Oriental Pageantry

Photo and article about a Shinto wedding held in Seattle uniting Takeshi Kubota and Kiyo Kaneko.

Dancers Compare Notes

Photo of two Japanese American women in Japanese kimonos displaying a dance step for Potlatch Queen Shirley Gail Fleetwood. The two were advertising a Japanese dance festival which was to be held on Main St. between 5th and 6th Avenues as part of theā€¦

Nipponese Meet Here Tomorrow

Article about a conference of Japanese American college and university students to be held at the University of Washington to exchange ideas and to promote friendship among the students of the various schools.

Japanese-Americans Pledge U.S. Loyalty

Article about the installation of Japanese American Citizens League officers in the Seattle area and the loyalty shown to the United States.

Where East Is Now West

Photo of a group of Japanese American near the punch table at the installtion of Japanese American Citizens League officers at the New Washington Hotel.