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Firm Hands

An editorial told of a conference between students from the U.S. and Japan that were to meet at the University of Washington to discuss currrent issues between the two countries.

Japan-America Meet Definitely Scheduled Here, Says Ronning

A conference between students from Japan studying in the U.S. and American students was set for this summer at the University of Washington..

Conferees Await Nod

A final decision was to be made to choose the American delegates to the America-Japan Student Conference to be held at the University of Washington.

U.S.-Japan Group In Eighth Meeting Here This Summer

Plans were being made to hold the eighth annual Ameica-Japan Student Conference at the University of Washington. Fifty or 60 students from Japan were to meet with about 100 students from American colleges and universities to discuss matters of mutual…

Conference Advisers to Meet Today

Faculty advisers were set to interview University of Washington delegates to the eighth annual America-Japan Student Conference to be held at the University in the summer.

Japanese Group Schedule Picnic

Plans were being made by the Japanese Students Club to hold a picnic at Five Mile Lake.

The Nisei

Article and pictures show Nisei life and how western the second-generation Japanese are.

Future American Defenders Report to Uncle Sam

Photo of men lining up to register for Selective Service at a fire station in Seattle. Photo noted the different racial extractions of the men.

An Evacuation Racial Problem

Photo of Nellie Woo, a Japanese American married to a Chinese American man, who has two daughters and will have to evacuate with her two half-Chinese, half-Japanese daughters to an internment camp.

Evacuation to Part Chinese, Jap Family

Article on a family whose mother is Japanese American and married to a Chinese American and their two daughters. She and the children will be evacuated to an internment camp while her husband will have to remain.