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What happens next?

Four men sat in contemplation as they talked about the immiment evacuation that was to take place soon on Bainbridg Island. in a photograph. in a Seattle newsplaper.

Farewell Thumbprint

A photograph showed May Katayama, a Bainbridge Island florist, being fingerprinted as she registered for eventual ebvacuation from the Island.

Homes Rushed for Japs at Reception Center

Construction workers were busily building homes at the Manzanar camp site in Owens Valley, California where a large contingent of West Coast Japanese were to be placed.

Butcher and Preacher - All Japanese Must Leave Bainbridge Island Homes

A photograph showed Johnny Nakata , grocery owner, cutting some meat as he explained that he wanted someone to take over his business while he's gone .Another photograph showed Rev. Kihachi Hirakawa at the altar of the church he built with his own…

Evacuation of Calif. Japs Now Under Way

Evacuation from Southern California began as some 1,000 Japanese went either by car caravan or train to the Manzanar camp in Owens Valley, California.

First Japanese Arrive at Evacuee Camp

A photo showed the first arrivals to the Manzanar camp in the Owens Valley of California being assigned to their respective barracks.

A Pledge of Loyalty to the United States

Japanese Americans, some of whom held dual citizenship, took an oath of allegiance to the U.S. in ceremonies from Japanese American attorney Clarence Arai. Six women and one man were shown in a photograph in the Sattle P-I.

$2,800 More in Contributions

A photograph showed members of the JACL tabulating the results of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's "Buy a Boeing Bomber" campaign.

Arai Elected War Time President of local J.A.C.L. Succeeding Ito

Clarence Arai was elected wartime JACL president of the Seattle chapter; he succeeds Kenji Ito.

Our Japanese

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, in an editorial, affirmed the loyalty and good citizenship of Japanese Americans and urged the public to be tolerant and understanding of their plight. At the same time, it urged Japanese Americans to do their part in…