Browse Items (37212 total)

Japanese Americans Pledge U. S. Loyalty

Article about the installation of officers of the Seattle, White River, Tacoma and Puyallup Valley chapters of the JACL held at the New Washington Hotel. Article emphasized the Americanism of the event.

Yesler Library Branch To Stage Colorful Affair

Article about the 50th aniversary of the Seattle Public Library system and the program and tea that was to be held at the Yesler Branch Libary.

Millikin Will Make 2 Vital Appointments

Article on Mayor Earl Millikin's consideration of possible candidates for chief of police, city health commissioner, board of public works members and library board members of whom Clarence Arai is one of the board members.

Draft Advice Will Be Given By Attorneys

Article about the lawyers who were chosen to give free advice to selective service registrants if they had questions by going to the attorney listed for their local draft board. Included were three Japanese American attorneys--Clarence Arai, Kenji…

The Nisei: Challenge To Fair-Mindedness

Aricle about Japanese Americans in Seattle and the difficulties they face because of racial discrimination and their determination to prove that they are Americans as anyone else.

70,000 Register For Draft Here

Article on registration for the draft in Seattle, and picture accompanying the article mentioned Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos as among the registrants.

Both Parties Plan Rallies Here Tonight

Article on plans by Republicans and Democrats of Kitsap County to stage events to begin the start of the election year. Clarence Arai, Republican, is among the visiting dignitaries to the Republican event.

Arai Is Unanimous Choice As Seattle J.A.C.L. Prexy

Article on Clarence Arai's election as president of the JACL (Japanese American Citizens League) Seattle chapter.

Clarence Arai Favors Preserving Constitution

Article expressing the view of Clarence Arai, Republican candidate for representative for the 37th District, on matters of the Constitutiona and welfare reform.

Arai, Legislature Candidate, Hits "Isms"

Article quoting Republican legislatlive candidate for the 37th District Clarence Arai as against 'Isms'.