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Arai Assured of Post After Public Hearing

Clarence Arai, Seattle attorney, became the first person of Japanese ancestry named to a public office when he was appointed Seattle Public Library trustee.

Arai Indorsed for Place on Library Board

After receiving some protests over the proposed appointment of Clarence Arai to the post of Seattle Public Library trustee, two people came out in favor of his selection--James Y. Sakamoto, editor of the Japanese American Courier, and Miss Leoneā€¦

Hundreds reflect on Topaz internment

Commeration of the 60th anniversary of the open of Topaz internment camp. Includes a list of all relocation camps and their peak population.

From Hiroshima to Hope

All in Japanese

ORA meets with JACL for redress update

Summary of the payments to various classes of citizens as redress for World War II evacuation and internment.

Honolulu evacuees eligible for redress

After earlier rejection JAs evacuated from the Iwilei area of Honolulu are elibible for redress.

Arai is Appointed to Library Board

Mayor John F. Dore of Seattle sent the nomination of Clarence Arai, a Seattle attorney, to the Seattle City Council for approval as a member of the Seattle Library Board.

Congratulations! - Arai Appointed Library Trustee by Mayor John Dore

The Great Northern Daily News (Taihoku Nippo) congratulated Clarence Arai on his appointment as a member of the Seattle Library Board and mentioned all the public service in which he was involved.