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Okame (The Goddess of Mirth)

Brief description of a mask of Okame and explains her place in Japanese folklore.


The "Mask" entry from an Encyclopedia Britannica.

Crimes against Japanese Americans cannot be rationalized

Letters to the editor regarding comments made on the internment by Richard Estrada

Japanese Americans visit school that housed them after internment

27 families, returning from internment, lived in the Japanese Language School in the International District - some for months and some up to eight years. Some of those who lived there returned to recal their lives. Sponsored by the Densho project.

Hearts of Portland

Three Portland Businessmen, Melvin Mark, Bill Roberts and Bill Naito are to be honored at the Portland Progress coordinate Heart of Portland Award for lifting Portland from decay to livable city via the Downtown Plan.

WWII Internees React to Settlement

The U.S, government has agree to pay hundreds of Japanese internees from Latin America.

A Moment of Remembrance

Text of resolution by WA State Represnetative Kip Tokuda to recognize the effects and accomplisment of JA affected by Executive Order 9066.

More may be eligible for redress under new rulings

Children who relocated to Japan during WWII and children of 'voluntary evacuees' are requested to assemble relevant documents