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Magazine Article Color illustration of stereotypical characature of scolwing Japanese soldier and smiling mask.


Magazine Article Art Illustration of characature of Japanese soldier, Army Officer and Navy Officer, Hirohito in the background


Newspaper articles Filipino efforts in WW II


Trade publication about Taiwan from 1975


Porfolio of articles from the Alaskero News concerning many issues of the union workers at the cannneries in Alaska such as their fight for better working conditions, political issues and people in charge of the union, and events happening among the…


ACW history project timeline compiled by Edward Echtle. Abbreviations on first page. The rest of the article displays timeline starting from 1877 to 2008. 20 pages.


Portfolio of articles from the Committee for Justice. Articles are mainly about the court trials concerning the murders of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes, but some articles also talk about events within the committee.


An article by the Seattle Times titled "A Family's Long Search For Justice" by Carlton Smith and Amy Juebelbeck. Article about the slayings of Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo. Both were union officers of Cannery Workers Local 37. 7 September 1990.


Article titled, "ILWU Honors Internationalism of Slain Local 37 Officers on 30th Anniversay of Assassinations" Author unknown. Article is about how Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo are honored by IKWU members, community supporters and labor activits at…