Browse Items (37212 total)

Asian Pacific American Community Voice Awards

A program for the Asian Pacific American Community Voice Awards ceremony. Contains agenda; letters from the state governor, county executive, and mayor; list of sponsorers; and awards profile.

Organizations of Chinese Americans (OCA) packet

Folder; Contains letters, pamphlet, and an agenda of the Organization of Chinese Americans National Convention from July 26-29, 2001.

Membership Directory, 1990-1991

Membership directory of the Japan-America Society of the State of Washington.

Celebrating the Girl Scout World

A photograph of the Seattle Chinese Community's Girls Drill Team. (contains photo, author unavailable.)

Maps of Old Japanese Districts

A map of old Japanese districts. Author, source, and date unknown/unavailable.

Japanese American Day of Remembrance

Booklet; All about Japanese-American internment during World War II. Includes a poem, background, important dates, Executive Order 9066

Women Air Pilots Meet

Women pilots gatthered in Seattle to attend the quarterly session of the Northwesst section of '99'.

Update Catalogue of Exhibitions 2000-2001

Catalog pack; catalog of Smithsonian Instituion Traveling Service exhibitions

Manjiro - the First Japanese Person to Live in America

Brochure; biography of Manjiro Nakashima.

Stitching Dollars to Seattle's Payroll

Clothing company Black Manufacturing Company is one of the leading clothing companies in Seattle.