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250 Cousins

A Chinese-American visits the village of his grandparents.

27 Japanese Girls Leave School Jobs

Twenty-six Japanese American women working as clerks at various Seattle public schools resigned after protests from mothers in the Gatewood neighborhood resulted in a petition asking for their dismissal.

28th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival

Schedules of films of San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival

29 bullets fired into 13 slain at club

Describes gunshoot wounds and lists victims. Mentions possible help from San Francisco Police.

2nd attorney appointed for defendant in Wah Mee case

Discusses change in defense attorneys. Ng and Mak are both receiving legal help at the public's expense after being deemed indignant .

2nd Group Of B.C. Nisei Leaving For Schreiber, Ontario

A second group of Japanese Canadians was scheduled to leave Vancouver, B.C. for Schreiber, Ontario to work on road camps. A wire received from the group at Schreiber indicated things were satisfactory and the townspeople were friendly.

3 Jap Language Schools Close

The Japanese American Citizens League announced the closing of Japanese language schools in Tacoma and Fife and Firwood in the Puyallup Valley. Masato Yamasaki, a principal, was interned after the beginning of hostilities.

3 themes dominate shows at Wing Luke

Critical review of several of the pieces in the 14th annual Asian American Artists Exhibit hosted by the Wing Luke Museum.