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Tentative Pact for Garment Workers

News article. A tentative pact was reached with the Pacific Northwest Apparel Manufacturers Association, and a strike was averted.

Garment Workers Give OK for Area Strike

News article. The United Garment Workes union have rejected a contract proposal from Pacific Northwest Apparel Manufacturers Association and authorized a strike.

Eydie Detera: Lauren Berlant interviews U of C Alum Eydie Detera

WLAM's curator and curriculum writer is intereviewed.

Camp Harmony Japs Living Up to Name

Internees at the Puyallup Assembly Center, called Camp Harmony, were settling down to try to make their living quarters as livable as possible by adding touches of what they used to have at home. Dental service, a newspaper, church choirs, etc. were…

Army Keeps Vigil on Japs at Brainbridge

The Army kep a close watch over Bainbridge Island's Japanese as the day for evacuation was nearing. Meanwhile, James Sakamoto awaited word on his proposalto the federal government to have the area's Japanese move to the Columbia Basin near Moses…

Registration for Japs on Bainbridge

Regisration of Bainbridge Island Japanese was handled by civilian workers as the Army looked on in preparation for the evacuation of all these people from the Island.