Browse Items (37212 total)

Group Portrait

Black and white image
Group portrait
Written on negative, "Wakamatsu" and :9-15-1940"
Kumasaka family at the Kin Ka Low Restaurant (Chinese style restaurant), located on 6th and Main St., Sept. 15, 1940. Front row from left: Sayo Kumasaka;…

Group Portrait

Black and white image
Group portrait
June 18, 1940. Front row from left: Kazuo Okada; Mrs. Morishita; Mr. Morishita. Third from right, George "Porgie" Okada; second from right, Mr. ? Niemi. Second row from left: ? Fujikado. Third from right,?…

Group portrait, Japanese Baptist kindergarten

Black and white image
Group portrait, Japanese Baptist kindergarten
Written on negative, "May 6 '40"
Baptist Nursery School, May 6, 1940. Rev. Emery Andrews, standing on right, was minister of the Japanese Baptist Church from 1929 - 1955. During…

Departure celebration for Yasuyuki Kumagai

Black and white image Group portrait, teacher farewell Written on negative, "5-26-1940" and "Katei Gakuen" This is the official departure photo for Yasuyuki Kumagai, Seattle Dojo's head instructor.

Farewell party for Seattle Dojo's head judo instructor, Yasuyuki Kumagai

Black and white image
Group portrait
Farewell party for Seattle Dojo's head judo instructor, Yasuyuki Kumagai , May 26, 1940. Kumagai is in the center of the photo (third row?) wearing a tie and white shirt.

Buddhist monk tea ceremony

Black and white image
1939 Buddhist monk tea ceremony
Written on negative, Shiso Kai

Portrait of flower arrangements

Black and white image
Portrait of flower arrangements
Written on negative, Fujikado

Web Exhibiton: #383

Ikebana display

Black and white image
Display of flower arrangements. Ikebana

Ikebana display

Black and white image
Display of flower arrangements
Written on negative, Fujikado

Web Exhibiton: #385

Mrs. Hosokawa's flower arranging group

Black and white image
Mrs. Hosokawa's flower arranging group. July 30, 1940. Front row: far left, Yoshiye Nakano; fourth from left, Mrs. Kataoka, Japanese Language School teacher.

Web Exhibition: #386