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Helping Link Building

Photograph of the outside of Helping Link by Bruce Fleming a Helping Link volunteer

Equality on the Job

Five options to consider on affirmative action's future. Part 4 of 4 parts. Initiative 200 poses the question of the need for AA>

Equality on the Job

Diversity facts and goals Part 3 of a 4 part series. Includes information for Boeing and Microsoft.

Equality on the Job

Part 2 of a 4 part series on affirmative action in Washington State. Includes State Patrol and the plus three program that favors Vietnam and disabled veterans and other disabled. Nearly half of all affirmative action hires are whiteincluding 2.19%…

Equality on the Job

Part 1 of a 4 part series investigating what affirmative action is and is not and the results on hiring during the AA period.