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Journal of Chinese Overseas

Volume 4, Number 1, May 2008; 4, 2, November 2008; 5, 1, 2009; 5, 2, 2009; 6, 1, 2010; 6, 2, 2010; 7, 1, 2011; 7, 2, 2011;

Chinese in San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley

The fertile Santa Clara Valley--once called the Valley of Heart's Delight and later Silicon Valley--has long been home to a substantial Chinese population. Like other immigrants, they arrived seeking opportunity and armed with survival instincts and…

Chains of Babylon: the Rise of Asian America

In Chains of Babylon, Daryl J. Maeda presents a cultural history of Asian American activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s, showing how the movement created the category of 'Asian American' to join Asians of many ethnicities in racial solidarity.…