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'Our folks didn't let us down'

The history of making the book, Beacon Hill Boys, into a film.

'Pat' Morita: From TB Sanitarium to internment camp to show-biz fame

Pat Morita, who plays Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid franchise spent time in a TB sanitorium (recovering from spinal tuberculosis) and Manzanar internment camp. Before becoming an actor, he worked as a migrant farm worker and a data processor at an…

'Personal Justice Denied' refutes all arguments defending internment

Review of the book Personal Justic Denied, offical report and recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, first published in 1983

'Sane' Alien Labor Policy Urged

President Franklin Roosevelt urged private employers not to discharge enemy alien and foreign-born employees when they were needed in the war effort. He proposed a "sane" policy that employers should follow in treating aliens and the foreign-bon…

'Shared Dreams' Exhibit Opens in Seattle

Announcing the opening of the exhibit, Shared Dreams: Images of the Asians and Pacific American Experience in Washington State