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A copy of a letter written by a Japanese alien Mr. Tasuo Takno to Mr. Win, a Federal Reserve Bank officer asking for help in recovering some missing items. (The English was quite garbled so it was not quite possible to understand.)


Plans were being made to evacuate all of Alaska's Japanese residents, and they were told to report to military posts for final removal.


A letter writer criticized an editorial in the University of Washington Daily that said the mothers at Gatewood School who urged the firing of Japanese American clerks at Seattle's public elementary schools were intolerant.


A letter writer said that the actions of the Gatewood School mothers was an attack on American citizens and create division and disunity during time of war which was condemned by everyone.


A letter writer, a student at the University of Washington, said that those who discriminate as in the case of the Gatewood School mothers, should look to the example of Jesus who forgave his persecutors.


An editor of the University of Washington Daily said that some students were preparing a counter-petition to the one from the Gatewood mothers who wanted the Japanese American clerks in the Seattle Public Schools to be fired. The editor said the…


Nearly a third of the farms operated by Japanese on the West Coast have been turned over to new owners, according to the Farm Security Administration.


The U.S. government, through its spokesman C.J.Opperman, encouraged all Japanese to continue the production of produce until they are evacuated. They were told not to sell farm equipment, fertlizier or property because of the importance of food…


A letter writer to Time magazine said there was no move by people in California to expel the Japanese population but that the idea was being fueld by racists, Congressmen, and white farmers and marketers. The writer said he/she was not alone in this…


A previous letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer criticized the Buddhist religion and Japanese language schools, and this person's response was that freedom of religion was part of the Constitution. Also, other groups have language schools…