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WWII Internees React to Settlement

The U.S, government has agree to pay hundreds of Japanese internees from Latin America.

WWII internees look back at past

Exhibit at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center in Portland, OR of photographs taken by Hansel Mieth and Otto Hagel. The exhibit is called "The Heart Mountain Story."

Wu Tse-t'ien and the Politics of Legitimation in T'ang China

The only female emperor of China and how she legitimizes her rule.

WSSF Drive Will Help U Evacuees

The World Student Service Fund was planning to set up scholarships to aid alien students evacuated from the West Coast who had been University of Washington students. Although the group's funds had been earmarked for Europe and China, it was felt…

WSSF Aid May Provide Schooling for Evacuees

Japanese American college students will be eligible to receive funds from the World Student Service Fund, which was originally set up to help European and Chinese student relief but was changed to include Japanese American students who were faced…