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Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of characatures of Mussolini, Hilter and Tojo

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of piston hitting Japanese man.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Color illustration of arm stangling Japanese Navy officer with bloody hand and knife.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of Japanese man as a sea monster.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of Donald Duck, Micky Mouse and a dancing mushroom character from Fantasia.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of characture of Japanese man representing Japan being buiried by molten steel.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of Hitler and Japanese man being hit with belt.

Ad, Magazine

Magazine Ad Illustration of characature of Japanese soldier being chased by dog.

Ad, Magazine

Ad Color image of Ana May Wong

Ad, magazine

3 - magazine Advertisements Kirk's Jap Rose Soap