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The county prosecutor of Spokane County warned that his area could become a dumping ground for Japanese aliens because it is outside the exclusion zone, and a meeting was being planned to address the problem.


A columnist wrote that Japanese residents of Los Angeles had requested information on the workings of the city's water supply, and a Japanese consular official had even asked for diagrams.


Dave Beck, president of the Teamsters' Union, urged the removal of all Japanese from the Pacific Coast as their contribution to this country.


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said that there were a number of young women just out of business school who would be glad to take those jobs that the Japanese American women were vacating. She said if these excuses are used to hire…


A poem warning of the treachery of the people of Japan was reprinted in a newspaper to show its relevance to today.


An anonymous writer commented on the Gatewood mothers who were trying to force the resignations of Japanese American office workers from the Seattle School District and stated that these "patriotic" and "noble" ladies should be given a long vacation…


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer suggested confining all enemy aliens and all Japanese because he said their loyalty was questionable and that action should be taken now before any other incident like Pearl Harbor occurs.


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer claimed that General Tanaka's memorial plan of world conquest included Japanese immigration to obtain monopoly control of various industries.


A letter writer to the Seattle Post -Intelligencer suggested that instructors be sent to the concentration camps for Japanese to teach them the American way of life.


John Boettiger, a Seattle P-I executive, wrote an editorial, a portion of what is shown here, asking for tolerance for persons of Japanese descent and attesting to their loyalty, while stating that those who side with Japan should be ferreted out.