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Affidavit of Woo Quin Lock on behalf of son Moon Soon Woo to apply for entry of his wife and son to the United States. Picture of Woo Quin Lock and his son as a child also a photostatic copy of Woo Quin Lock's identity notarized on April 27 1949 from…


Three Affidavits of support for immigration by William Russell Robertson of Russell's Meat Market for Kam Lau Tseng Louie Chee bun Tseng Yuk Sue Tseng Shek Fung Tseng Shek Kee Tseng; Sau Li Louie; Choie-Ping Louie aka Ching Ping Louie.

Affirmative Action Showdown

Initiative 200 debate

AFSC Problems On The West Coast

American Friends (Quakers) were busy helping Japanese residents on the West Coast who were faced with imminent evacuation. In Los Angeles, where nearby Terminal Island was evacuated , Friends helped the evacuees find housing; and in Seattle, a news…