



Multi-paged menu bound in red cover with gold printed borders of peonies at top and bottom. A dragon in gold and white at upper right a gold circle at upper left within which are archaic Chinese characters giving the name Hong Kong Restaurant. At the lower half is "Hong Kong" in gold letters "Restaurant" in white print and "501 Maynard Ave. S. Seattle Washington" in gold. The cover is bound on the left fold with gold braid. On the back of the cover in white print and illustrations are instructions on "Using the Chopsticks". Inside the cover fastened with scotch tape on pink paper is listed "Hong Kong Chef Special". 4 double pages are bound to the cover. The firstfive pages list the food in English the last 3 pages list the food in Chinese characters. Taped to the inside of the back cover is a menu for party dinners for New Years. The selections are printed within the outlines of a large bag held by Santa Claus. There is also a duplicate of the bound menu tucked in the back of the binder.


