



Watercolour Painting entitled "Gold Star Family" Depicts a man and a woman standing on the left looking towards an open casement window on the right through which can be seen a watchtower and fence. In front of them is a table with a flowering plant in a bowl shape pot and a standing picture of a soldier presumably their son. On the wall is a gold star banner with a frame and tassels. The painting on heavy watercolour paper is done mostly in dark muted green burnt sienna and sap green. The interior appears to be dark with the faces of the couple slightly lighter with a pink tone the flower is white. The scene through the window is lighter with green grass brown tower and whitish mottled sky. The artist has signed the back in pencil with the title his name and date with a copyright symbol "'Gold Star Family' Lee J. Wexler 1977 c" and the lower left front with his name and date. Originally attached at the top to black backing paper which has been removed mounted in a black plastic frame.


