



A & B: Colored Paper 8.5" X 11" folded in half lengthwise. Front has logo of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest; a carp and an orca in a Yin - Yang symbol. The title is in English and Chinese: " The Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest" On the inside is a history of the society current activities (1983) and on the back Purpose and goals. A separate flyer has membership form. A is blue and B is pink. C: 2 yellow 8.5 X 11" paper sheets stapled together. The CHSPNW logo if in the upper left corner and the title with address C/O Wing Luke Memorial Museum. "Announcing inaugural edition of the ANNALS OF THE CHINESE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC NORTWEST 1983." Page 2 has the table of contents and order form. D: Two white 8.5" X 11" sheets of paper. Stapled with black photocopied typed printing. At the top is "FIRST DRAFT" and then "PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WING LUKE MUSEUM AND THE CHINESE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST (March 18 1981)" outlining the relationship between the two organizations.


