Newspaper Clipping
Newspaper Clipping
Newspaper Clipping of Photograph of Fish Cannery Labor Leaders The caption reads: " Fish Cannery leaders appeared before the FTA International Executive Board in San Francisco in January to discuss Local 7 problems. Seated L - R Vincent Pilien Dispatcher; Chris Mensalvas Portland Branch Agent; Prudencio P. Mori Pres.; Cornelio Briones Business Agent Standing: Pete Bonilla and Pete Gutierrez of the Local's San Francisco Branch; N.V. Mariano and Benny Flores Portland Branch; Dave Teitlebaum International Organizer in Portland; Pablo S. Valdez San Francisco Branch Agent; and Sgt. Marcelo Ovalles former cannery delegate from Portland. Local 7's Political Action Committee has been very active recently in the local Seattle election campaign. All of the officers of the local are active members of the King County PAC.