War Ration Book


War Ration Book


War Ration Book with Coupons Brown Card Stock covered booklet with black printing. Printed across the top is: "WAR RATION BOOK No. 3" and then written in in ink is: "Lum Ying Coy 1702 Washington Seattle" and the age given is: 62 occupation: laborer and then a written signature. A red stamp across the upper right corner where is printed a rectangle with "NOT VALID WITHOUT STAMP" says: "O.P.A.VALID U.S.A. Address and Sign." There are small stamps and large stamps in the book. Only 1.5 pages of the large are used and none of the small ones. Printed instructions are on the back. The ink on the signature is smudged a large crease down the middle of the book and it has yellowed.


