Photocopies of two letters sent to Mrs. G.N. Annes of Port Townsend. A: envelope front B: Envelope back C: Photocopy of photograph of two Chinese men on either side of a large painted scroll with biblical quote from John 3:16 of the Christian bible. * D: Photocopy of letter front envelope and article. Article reprints the letter in the "Pacific Baptist" Letter to G.N. Annes from Ah Juno dated November 1892. E: Photocopy of back of letter from Ah June F: Photocopy of letter on lined paper dated January 9 1894 to G.N. Annes Roseburg Oregon from H.S. Lu Hay Pportland OR. G: Photocopy of letter back. *"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life".