



A: Five paragrphs of a song about Missoula Montana. B: Three paragraphs of a song about Missoula Montana. C: Five paragraphs of a song about Missoula Montana nostalgic for Seattle 700 miles away E V: October 23 1936 About baseball match between Nisei team and a Mie prefecture high school. F AA: October 23 1936 with photo of Nisei tour group from Seattle giving a greeting message from Seattle mayor John F. Dore to Nagoya Mayor Ooyuwa. G Z: October 20 1936 The tour group gives message from Seattle mayor to mayor Saito Yamada. They ythen visit Ise and Saruta Hiko Shrines and arrived at Tsu city the capitol of Mie prefecture to take photos of Geisha. H: Article on leader Seiichi Hara's impression of Japan. Postcard scenes of Kyoto and NAra. Overwhelemed by population density. Scared feeling at his native village where Ise shrine is located. I: Article with photograph Group leader Seiichi Hara a native of Suzuka village Mie prefecture returned to Japan after 49 years absence and met his relatives at Nagoya. J: Nichibei Jidai article with six items: Hokuei Hochi editor Ikukoma will retire; Nichiren Buddhists celebrate anniversary; Consulate will return to Japan; Seattle Japanese church celebrates 50th Anniversary; List of persons returning by Yogawa-Maru. K: Invitation September 25 1929; to gather at Maru No Uchi building at 5:00 October 1; 400 Yen per person. Present will be former Seattle Consular General and Taiyo Women's Tour Group. L: Newspaper article with photograph at Ujiyamada as the 12 member tour group visted Ise area. Mr. Hara stated that Japanese Americans are treated well after the war; not as much disussion of atomic bomb as in Japan. Heard of the death of Mikimoto while aboard ship. M: Article: 1954; the news from the tour group; The group arrived in Yokohama on September 28; The forst three days the sea was calm. 19thans 21st were rough. During the trip Mr. Matsumoto of Toronto died. the group will go to Kamakura next. N: Article; 1929 (?) Tokyo Seattle Association holds welcome party at the Marunouchi. O: Photograph with caption in English 1954. Off for Japan: Pier 50 as the Hikawa Maru departed for Yokohama. P :Article 1936 with photograph Hara's impressions of Japan. traffic is heavya nd is amazes at regulations; Japanese women's concepts of western clothing in unnatural and they should stick to kimono. Q: Article: the arrival of the 22 member team in Yokohama on the 20th. They played the team from Nagoya. team members are 17 - 25 years old. R: Caption of the photographs of the Nisei team pitcher Okazaki. S: Article on tour groups: As two groups leave for Japan on the Hyogawa Maru the article looks at how the purpose of tours has changed. At first they were annual trips to look for wives; The in the 1920's Nisei went to paly baaseball and tour the country and now it is increasing elderly Issei's anxious to tour the homeland. T& Y: Article October 21 1936 Nisei team will play Nagoya tomorrow. U & BB: Article 10/25 Ise Shinbun W: October 25 1936 Headline and photo: Nisei team scores 9 -3. The caption from 1998.110.2R reads: Nisei team; Pitcher Okazaki. X: Article with photograph Octeober 22 1936 23 members including the group leader Nisei baseball team arrives in Nagoya. Greeted by relatives of Arthur Sasaki and Taiji Eguchi. They will plaqy Ngoya's meitetsi team tomorrow. CC: Article Seattle PI January 20 1937 S. Hara presents Seattle Mayor Dore with letters from mayors in Japan after the baseball tour.


