



Two Envelopes and two letters A: Western envelope to Gom Hong Co. 709 King St. Seattle Wash. From: Wing Cheong Kut 135 Connaught Rd. Hong Kong China. B: Envelope to Mr. Li Jujiao from Li Juzhe Wing Cheong Kut Hong Kong. C: Letter: a list of measures for making western style suits. Information on sleeve length width and waist in two styles in western measurements. D: Letter: "I received the letter you sent on the eleventh of the tenth month in the new calendar on the twenty ninth of the ninth month from the ship "Queen" I have learned all messages and received the twenty dollars and sixteen cents. I will ask brother Huayin to deliever the letter and money to your family immediately. I have enclosed the measure for making suits with my letter... I will return to the United States to make money in future years. At tihs time bandits are causing a lot of chaos and robbery is getting wild. This is for your information. The year of Ren the seventh month of the tenth Brother Ruzhe."


