On brown paper envelope with invoices. A: Envelope From: Yee Gan & Co. Hong Kong to: Gom Hong & Co. B: Declaration of Shipper of Food and Drug Products from Canton China on September 21 1926. C: Records of items shipped to Gom Hong from China dated the 19th of the eighth month year Bingyin (1926). D: Invoice to Fusheng Co issued by the IYisheng store in Changsha China on the 7th of the eighth month 1926. E: Invoice to Fusheng co. ( to purchase items on behalf of the Gom Hong) from the Guanshengchang store in Henan China on the 10th of the eighth month 1926. F: Invoice to Fusheng Co./Gom Hong Co. from Fulongsheng sytore in Guangzhou China 1926. G: Invoice to Gom Hong from Xiangde store in China. H: Invoice to Fusheng/Gom Hong from Fulongsheng store in Guangzhou City China. 1926. I: Invoice to Fusheng/Gom Hong from Fulongsheng store in Guangzhou City China. 1926