



Letter to Shangsong Gom Hong Co. from Yao yun Wu (Eng) in Hong Kong "Greetings to who opens the letter The Tobacco (or opium ?) was not able to be delievered by the same ship due to the funeral of the British Queen. There was a holiday so we could not make it. Perhaps we will send it through the 'President' ship or send it to Shanghai and mail it by Airplane. Hope you understand the situation. The (shipment) was ready to go days ago however we spent some time on translating (Chinese) to western language so it went over the deadline. At this time the American embassy in Hong Kong does not accept all of the overdue papers. Please take the papers back we will process them in the future. I will report to you again on how to deal with it. I think it is not safe if the (?) letters were found in the shop. I am planning to make papers for export soon. However the situation is very difficult everywhere. River Bay Port also does not allow the entry of Chinese. I will report to you the rest next time. Wish you wealthy peace. To Gom Hong Shangsong 1925 I have paid more than four thousand dollars for the over expense of the Gom Hong also included is the record from the provincial city. Please send money to meet urgent need."


