



Tranlation of a Chinese letter which is written by a son to his father who is in the US: Honorable father. Your son as I am bending my knees on the presence of you and report respectfully. Since you go board it's a long time we all are anxiously miss you a lot. Everyone in our family is fine now. Dont' worry. The things you asked uncle Shi Kuau to bring for us a gold coin and US dollar 20.00 are all received. Thank you. On the date of January 22nd they started to measure the area of the house at that time. The uncle Shi Quan stubbornly insisted and said "We (our family) have enough money to build a new house." In fact the foot of wall in our old house have to be repaired. We earnestly hope father can send some money back to meet the expenses of it. If there is a mic woolen shirt in the US please buy and send to me. Thank you. With best wishes. PS: Yesterday we've received 100 yuan which you sent on last December for the expenses of the Spring Festival. We hope father can send more money to us. Date: February 4 1924. [note: The writer was poor education. The original text is illogical and ungrammatical. For example: -he asked his father to give them money more and more times. -at the endof of his letter he didn't sign his name]


