



Postcard with five coupons from Holeproof Hosiery Co. Coupons B-F with stamped date of sale Mar 14 1913 Printed under coupon F: "DIRECTIONS FOR EXCHANGE of HOSE Customers must mail the damaged hose in separate package. (According to Post Office ruling written matter cannot be enclosed with returned hose under Merchandise rates.) Therefore when you send the first pair of damaged hose mail separately the top section of this ticket which forms a post card. (See opposite side.) If more than one pair is to be returned enclose a corresponding number of the remaining coupons with the goods and place you name and address on outside of package. Mail to us direct and we will replace the same charges prepaid. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY CO. Milwaukee Wis. U.S.A. Printed on postcard: "WE GUARANTEE that these Six Pairs of "Holeproof Hose" will need no darning for six months. If they should we agree to replace them by new ones upon the surrender of this ticket with the worn pair and Coupon A provided they are returned to us within six months from date of sale to wearer."


