Asian American
Folder from the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation (NJAMF) - which was advocating for the construction of a memorial to Japanese American soldiers to be built in Washington D.C. containing: Program for the "Pacific Northwest Kickoff" meeting of the NJAMF. 1997. Seattle. Newspaper clipping "J.A. Memorial Foundation launches campaign for $8.7 million by end of '99". Pacific Citizen the National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League. Oct. 3-16 1997. The August 1997 copy of the Chiisai Shimbun (small newspaper) from the Japanese American Chamber of Commerce of Washington State. The headline is "A National Memorial to Patriotism: The Japanese American Experience" abouth the NJAMF. A color print of a model of The National Japanese American Memorial Washington D.C. A flyer about the "Project Introduction and Architectural Overview: The Memorial's site location and contest within the United States capitol area". Pledge Card and printed envelope addressed to the NJAMF Printed loose-leaf page entitled "Why I Gave to the Japanese American Memorial Foundation" A letter from the NJAMF chairman about the project A flyer for the "Captial Campaing Kickoff" fundraising event for the NJAMF hosted by the Pacific Northwest Fundraising Committee of the NJAMF. 1997. A flyer about "Outright Gifts" detailing three ways contributions of cash appreciated stocks & bonds and real estate that one can give to the NJAMF. A Flyer entitled "Site Map" about the location of the Memorial and a diagram of its location.