Red folder created for the Organization of Chinese Americans 23rd Annual National Convention July 26-29 2001 held in Seattle Washington containing one two-page printed event schedule; one yellow single sheet flyer concerning the July 28 2001 torchlight parade; one single sheet blue flyer titled "Things to Do and See;" one single-sheet pink flyer titled "Eating Out in Seattle;" one single sheet green flyer titled "Some Friendly Conference Tips;" one single sheet white flyer titled "Ehibitor's Bingo;" one 19 page booklet concerning registration information; two copies of a four page paperclipped schedule and process questions for OCA youth day; one white single sheet flyer titled "Exhibit Booth Bingo;" one green single sheet flyer titled "OCA Souvenirs;" one stapled 22 page booklet titled "White Papers OCA Summer 2001;" one white single sheet flyer titled "OCA Membership Form."