



Black and white photograph on light manilla cardboard poster of : A: Route map of the Second Uprising at San chou tien, Hui chou B: Painting of the fourth Uprising at Lake chi-Nu, Hui chou, 1907. C: Dr. Sun Yat -sen and his colleagues in Vancouver, BC. D: Portrait of Chin-yuan, KMT military commander. E: Foreign consuls in Hankow proclaiming neutrality, 1911. F: President Chiang Kai-shek in black robe. G: Dr. Sun Yat-sen with officers at Whampoa military academy. 1924. H: Siging of Tonku Truce by Japan and China. 1934 I: Chairperson Chiang declares "Long Term Resistance Against Aggression." 1937 J: Painting of the establishment of the Hsing-Chung hui (Revive China Society) by Sun Yat-sen. K: Dr. Sun Assumed the Extraordinary President of the Republic. 1921. L: Dr. Sun Encountered with Danger; Guards on the warship Chung shen which took Sun away after revolt by Chen chiung ming in 1922. M: Dr. Sun reviews the Kwang Tung Troops. 1923 N: Sun Yat-sen in Shang-hai, 1918 O: sun Yat-sen arrives n Hong Kong from Europe December 21, 1911. P: Portrait of Huang Hsing (1874 - 1916) organized the Society for the Revivial of China Q: Sung Chiao-jen, (1882 - 1913) R: Portrait of Chu Chi-shin S: Portrait of Tung Kin - ko T: Tsai Kung shih, U: Sun Yat-sena nd Chiang Kai shek on the train from Canton, 1923. V: "September 18" Japanese Army attacks Mukden, 1931 W: Sun Yat-sen relaeased from London, 1896 X: Sun Yat-sen taking photographs with mebers of extrordianary parliament Y: Portrait of Lu Hao-tung Z: Marco Polo Bridge: July 7th Inicident. AA: Seven men stand side by side in an open ground all of them are dressed in traditional Chinese long robes. BB: A group of people standing in front of a building. A sign "Opening of national congress. May 5, 1931." CC: A group of people gathered in front of the city gate of Nanking, three flags were erected on the top. DD:Group photo of 29 people. Sitting and standing in 3 rows in front of a house and a tree. Dr. Sun is the 5th seated person from the right in the front row. EE: Large groups of students holding a huge demonstration in the Tien-an-mong square in Beijing. A sign saying "National Congress" was erected in the middle. FF: Blurry portrait of Luo Fu-Shing, Male short hair divided on his left hand side. Dressed in a white shirt and a man's suit. GG: Black and white water painting. Two men one the left one is dressed in a ching court robe and the other is dressed in military uniform were shot by a group of people. HH: Black and white water painting a man with a long braid, dressed in a black and white chinese long robe. II: Black and white water painting, A man with a long braid was shot by an officer. JJ: Photo of the top of snake mountain. Four soldiers were standing in a row on the left and two big cannons were scattered in the middle and on the right. KK: Two men were standing on a platform in the center and surrounded by a large group of soldiers. The man in the center on the left was rendering a salute. LL: A military aircraft with two propellers was standing in the field. Two men stand on the top of the plane. A man is running toward the plane. MM: Photo of a battlefield. A bomb exploded and smog clouds the village in the right hand corner. Another two soldiers are running ahead. NN: Portrait of Kao Chi-hung male about 25 years old. Dressed in a military uniform and a hat on his head standing in the front of an aircraft. OO: The memorial stele and Pavilion for the three martyrs of the Wuchang rev. PP: Portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen QQ: Nationalist Victory at Tierhchung RR: The yellow flower mound of the seventy-two Martyrs SS: Nationalist Army entered the city of china TT: Portrait of Chen Chi-mei UU: Dr. Sun went to nanking to assume his presidency. V V: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen attended the opening of Kuo-ming cho-chi chu at san fransisco WW: Portrait of Chio Jin XX: Pencil Sketch of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen looked into the Mainland YY: Nanking people welcomed chairman Chiany after a triumphant return of the westward flight of the communists. ZZ: Beijing people held a memorial meeting after Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's death AAA: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen arrivedShaokuan to supervise the northern expedition BBB: Domains of the warlords in 1924 CCC: Declarations of independence by the provinces and improtant municpalities fater the wuchang revolution. DDD:The Establishment of the Headquqater of Tang Meng Him EEE: The establishment of Kuo Ming Tang FFF: THe inaguration of the people's political council. GGG: Photo of Dr. Sun and officers of Navy HHH: Penang Island meetings III: Portrait of Chao Shang JJJ: Portrait of Tsou Jung KKK: Portrait of Shu Si-Lin LLL: The Failure of the first uprising and Lu Hao-Tung was arrested MMM: Pencil sketch of Li Lieh-Chun NNN: Decision of using the usn logo as the flag of the revolution army OOO: A new startof china in the history of 5000 years PPP: The seventh uprising at Chinchow -Lienchow. QQQ: The sixth uprising, pencil sketch RRR: The third uprising at Huan-Kang Chao-chou SSS: The fifth uprising at Wang-Kwan shan, ching chou TTT: DR. Sun Yat-sen Established Tung Maen Hui, New york branch UUU: City of Wuchang siegedby Nationalist army VVV: DR. Sun Yat-sen raised fund for Rev. army at chicago WWW: Chinese revolutionary army, northeastern group at wei county shantung XXX: DR. Sun Yat-sen reached shanghai, accepting interviews with journalists YYY: Dr. Sun's written command of appointing chiang kai-shek as chief of staff to the generalissimo's field headquarters ZZZ: The manifesto of president sun yat-sen AAAA: Meeting for the formation of a republcan union BBBB:Overseas Chinese returned in the atmosphere of restoration CCCC:Portrait of Wu Lu-Chan DDDD: The Heroic prologue of the republic EEEE: Revolutionary army broke through haichow fort during the easter expedition FFFF:Dr. Sun Yat-sen hosted the opening of the first national congress of Kuo Ming Tung GGGG: Portrait of teenage Shih Chien-ju HHHH: Two leaders of the revolution IIII: Dr. Sun Yat -sen attended the opening of the temporary senate JJJJ: News of chinag kai-shek's successful restoration of hangchow KKKK: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen gave a speech of three people's principles LLLL: Dr. Sun Yat-sen resigned from his presidency MMMM: President Sun yat-sen and his offciers NNNN: The establishment of Tuny Meng Hui OOOO: eight hundred brave men guarded at teh four bank warehouse PPPP: Dr. SUn Yat-sen and members of Tung Men Hui QQQQ: Dr. Sun Yat-sen and members of Tang meng Hui in Paris RRRR: August 14th Chinese air force first time defeated by Japan SSSS:Nanking purple mountain, occupied by the revolutionary army


