Framed black and white Photograph attached to a mat. A: Sepia colored photo 5.75" X4", of young Chinese man dressed in military uniform with many medals on chest. He is sitting with hands on lap. The photo is glued to cardboard backing that is beige and discolored in places. On the mat under the photo is printed in red: "Bann's Studio - Shang Hai" Beneath the photo are Chinese characters in black ink: "This picture of Huang u - pei was taken during the Japanese invasion of Shang - Hai 'This historical event is called the 1-2-8 event, Mr. Huang was the lead pilot who led nine aircraft to fight the Japanese on Feb. 5, 1932. He has come to the USA to observe the development of its airforce and is happy to see some old friends. He gives this photo to comemorate this meeting." In upper right corner " From Huang u-pei to Huang Family Benevolent Association July 29, 1932" B: Frame, 10.75" X 8.75", Carved wood with grooves on front and the inner edge is bevelled in towards to middle painted gold. Glass in held in by two nails and an eyescrew in the top has cotton string through it. C: Cardboard backing, 8" X 10". Dyed black on one side.